Name of the artifact: CourseraPlanner
The website wizard that helps you planning your Coursera courses and become a more succesful student.

Following several courses in parallel is very difficult without planning carefully. With this wizard you will always have a clear view of what to do when. You will not accidently miss deadlines anymore and your course succes rate will significantly increase.   
You are guided through the course selection, course following and finishing course steps:
- select courses of your interest that fit in your time schedule
- get tips on how to improve your planning and study
- prepare and schedule all your course work in your multiweek plan
- weekly detail your task planning and follow up on the course todo list
- do a first evaluation after the first course week and define how to continue with the course
- keep track of your time spent per course versus your results achieved
- at any time have an oversight dashboard of your progress in each course you are following
- receive mail and/or text notification for upcoming milestones
- easy access to your course history and wishlist

Next steps:
The effort to be spent on this project (5-10hr/week) and the limited time did not allow to develop a working website, the scope of this project was limited to the functional and graphical design.
Following steps are identified to make the website operational:
1. Agree with the Coursera team to define an application interface for the course data, so that the plans, todo-lists, etc can be largely generated automatically with very limited effort needed from the student
2. Build a first working version of the website wizard
3. Test the wizard with about 10 students on a set of 5 different courses
4. Either integrate the wizard on the Coursera site or create a dedicated website
5. Promote the web wizard to all new students
6. Extend the features, ie as a tablet app, social media features to share course progress with others, multi-user planning (eg team members)...   
Good luck with your future Coursera courses, plan carefully!

You are welcome with comments or further ideas to increase the success rate of Coursera students (currently 7%).


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    Juni 2013

